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Комбинезон детский TOBE Novus, с утеплителем

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If there’s anyone that loves being in the snow more than you do, it’s the little ones. Knowing this, we couldn’t figure out why it was so difficult to find kids’ all-weather gear that is designed to truly keep children warm, safe and dry all day, every day. When outfitting our own children, we realized just how badly most kids’ outerwear is lacking. This realization drove us to create the Novus Junior Mono Suit. The Novus uses the same membrane and fabrics as our adult 2.0 outerwear, so we can say with absolute certainty that it is 100% waterproof, 100% windproof, optimally breathable and extremely durable. The 45,000mm Sympatex® Membrane is guaranteed to keep the kids warm, dry and safe while enjoying all that fall, winter and spring have to offer. This kids’ one-piece suit has an ultra-strong exterior, to give you peace of mind knowing that it will stand up to the little ones’ adventures, and the warm, soft fleece liner ensures the kids will never want to take the Novus off. The search for the perfect snow suit for the only person who loves snow more than you do is over, you’ve found the Novus Mono Suit!


-  Оболочка: Нейлон с мембраной Sympatex®
- Мембрана: Sympatex® 45000 мм 
- Герметичность швов: Все швы запаяны 
- Утеплитель: Теплая флисовая подкладка 
- Размеры: 98-134 см , 3–9 лет 
- 100% ветронепроницаемость 
- 100% водонепроницаемость 
- Оптимальная воздухопроницаемость
- Молнии YKK Aquaguard® 
- Ткань Cordura® 
- Усиленные швы 
- Прочные двойные швы 
- Теплая флисовая подкладка 
- Световозвращающий кант
- Не содержит бисфенола 
- Ткань сертифицирована ассоциацией Bluesign 
- Съёмная резинка для обуви 
- Воротник с двумя молниям 
- Съемный капюшон 

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